...Rikans Foot File

Pedicures came up several times at AMO HQ today, which reminded me that I've been meaning to write about my foot file for eons.

This isn't a new obsession, and with nearly 40K reviews on Amazon, it's not exactly a hidden secret, but if you don't have the Rikans file, you need it ASAP.  Word to the wise, be very, very, very gentle with this. Don't go overboard, you will regret it. Easy does it. 

And, while we are on the topic of exfoliation:

  • If you've never tried Baby Foot, there's no time like a pandemic to give it a go as you will not be able to expose for your feet for several days. Note, don't skip out on the pre-soak before putting the booties on; it makes all the difference.  
  • if you don't have a Baiden Mitten, you should look into one (do follow the instructions for the best outcomes.) 

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